Petit-Chablis PDO

Dauvissat - Petit Chablis 2022 – Sku: 74122 – 5
Vincent Dauvissat
Petit-Chablis PDO
A venir
Jean Paul & Benoit Droin - Petit Chablis 2023 – Sku: 73223
Jean-Paul & Benoît Droin
Petit-Chablis PDO

Petit-Chablis, a white wine from Burgundy that has all the makings of a great wine

Light, fresh and fruity, this white wine from the Chablis region is definitely not "small". The AOC Petit Chablis owes its name to the age of the soils that give it birth, which are younger than those of its prestigious neighbours: Chablis, Chablis Premier Cru and Chablis Grand Cru. This appellation Village de Bourgogne concerns all the communes of the Chablis vineyard, around which its Climats form a golden crown. Here, Chardonnay is fully expressed and the wines seduce by their great quality and their affordable prices.

General presentation of the appellation petit-chablis

The AOC Petit Chablis is a village appellation located in the north of the Burgundy vineyard, in the Yonne, near Auxerre. Around Chablis, in the Serein valley, the 780 hectares of vines occupy the top of the hillsides on either side of the river.

Chardonnay is the exclusive grape variety of Chablis, a Burgundian vineyard located at equal distance from Beaune and Paris. It is also the grape variety that gives the other AOCs of the vineyard their typical character: Chablis, Chablis Premier Cru and Chablis Grand Cru. Petit Chablis alone represents about 18% of the local production. It is the first step in the hierarchy of Chablis wines and an excellent gateway to this vineyard renowned for its great white wines.

Characteristics of Petit Chablis

Petit-Chablis AOC is a dry white wine with a beautiful vivacity, balanced acidity and nicely persistent aromas. Its colour is a brilliant, translucent silver-gold, sometimes with green highlights. Its aromatic palette is marked by white flowers such as acacia and hawthorn, as well as by citrus fruits, with grapefruit and lemon in the lead. The whole is expressed on a mineral background with hints of gunflint and flint. Peach and white fruits sometimes enrich this delicate aromatic bouquet.

This white Burgundy wine can be kept for an average of two years. It is advisable to wait until it has aged two years before tasting it.

How to taste a Petit-Chablis

Petit-Chablis is a wine for pleasure par excellence. It is therefore ideal for a gourmet aperitif accompanied by gougères, grilled sardines, small fried dishes, shrimps...

This dry white wine from Burgundy with a hint of iodine also goes naturally with seafood platters, oysters, fish tartars, sushi...

It also accompanies certain local specialities: Burgundy snails, andouillette, fresh goat's cheese... This wine also goes well with pressed or cooked cheeses such as Gouda, Comté or Gruyere. It is also excellent in summer with salads and raw vegetables.

Petit-Chablis AOC is also known for its ability to enhance omelettes and other fried eggs. And for a daring pairing, serve a Petit-Chablis with dishes inspired by Asian cuisine.

It is generally recommended to serve it at a temperature of 10°.

Laissez-vous tenter... par les autres appellations !

Le vignoble

Jean-Paul & Benoît Droin

One of the peaks of Burgundy...

Vincent Dauvissat

"La viticulture est le point fort de ce domaine, qui révèle pour chacun de ses crus une verticalité et une droiture exemplaires. La forte acidité issue des sols kimméridgiens demande souvent 10 voire 15 ans en bouteille pour pleinement révéler la véritable identité des terroirs, mais l'attente est alors récompensée. Le domaine a la chance d'exploiter plusieurs des principaux crus phare de l'appellation." 5*/5 Bettane+Desseauve